Hello, Thank you for coming back!
First,I would like to say Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful, hardworking Moms!
If you are like me and you belong to the middle adulthood group, there is that huge possibility that you will appreciate what I'm going to talk about and that is Ageing.
What is ageing? According to Wikipedia, it is the process of getting older. In humans, ageing represents the accumulation of changes in human beings over time, encompassing physical, psychological and social changes.The causes of ageing are uncertain.
But today I will only speak about the signs of ageing that are most visible to our eyes-the wrinkles and age spots. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, many things cause our skin to age-some things we cannot do anything about and others we can influence.The natural ageing process is one thing we cannot change.We will all get visible lines with time, as we get older.Our skin will lose its youthful fullness,get drier and thinner.This is what we call Intrinsic ageing.The other thing that may influence the cause of ageing are the environment and lifestyle choices we make-this is called Extrinsic ageing.Taking preventative measures may slow the effects of this type of ageing on our skin.
Sad fact: Around 30-35 years old, the skin starts to become drier and wrinkles start to appear by the end of early adulthood. As we reach the age of 40,the aging process become more apparent. The skin continues to dry out and is more prone to more wrinkling particularly on the sensitive face areas.
It sucks,I know!
I can vividly remember the first time I noticed those pesky wrinkles peeking through the delicate skin around the outer corners of my eyes. I was 39 years old then.Lain kayo akong pamati nga tigulang na gyud ko! I tell you, it was painful (not physically) mentally and emotionally to have stared at them and grasped the fact that I was indeed getting older!
It's not just the wrinkles that were tormenting me, but there were other things like getting frail, and weak, sickly and eventually dying! I know, I am slightly morbid! Gosh! do you also think like that? Maybe not!
It's been a few years now since I found those first wrinkles, and sadly there had been a few additions plus the age spots. But It's OK, I am actually over the fact that I am ageing. I have accepted it. It is not tormenting my mind and my emotions anymore. Honest! That is why I can easily talk about it now because I am not ashamed nor upset about it anymore.When my kids joke about my skin,I just laugh it out!
How did I deal with it?
It wasn't really that bad after I had accepted that ageing is a part of life which I could not do much about. I have just accepted that I am older and with that comes the effects of the ageing process.
Accepting that my skin is not perfect, having wrinkles and age spots-doesn't mean that I will just leave it and not do anything about it. In fact, I wished I started looking after my skin in my early years.I am now aware that you can't reverse the signs of aging once it has already started to occur-we can only prevent and minimise further damage.This is something very important I have imparted to my daughter.
It wasn't so long ago in my continuous search for skin care products which are designed for ageing that I came across this brand-The Ordinary."This brand is an evolving collection of treatments offering effective clinical technologies in skin care.Apparently they are meant to provide clinical formulations with integrity".
I was so excited when I saw their shop in the Distillery District in Toronto when I went there last October 2017.It must have been their flagship store though I might be wrong.Here, I will share some of my most recent favourite skin care products.
I had been using this brand for a year now, and I love their products so far. I saw a difference to my skin texture since I used them.I have my favourites which I had repurchased a few times already. If you are good and have already started looking after your skin,then you know that skin care products are quite expensive. But the products from The Ordinary brand are very inexpensive- that is the initial reason that urged me to try them out. And I am glad I did.
Remember,there are only things we can influence in the process of ageing.The skin care products are there to prevent further damage or minimise the appearance of premature ageing.But here are steps I gathered, which somehow worked for me in my own experience, that helps.
1) Get lots of sleep and rest
2)Keep hydrated
3)Eat a healthy balanced diet
4)Regular exercise, keep yourself active
5)Always wear sunscreen even when it's cloudy
6)Moisturise your face well, wash your face properly before bedtime
7)Stick to your skincare routine
8)Stop Smoking, minimise Alcohol intake
9)Reduce stress
Some people may find it shallow to talk about ageing.I know it's not a 3rd world problem-there are other problems out there that need solutions.I totally agee! But those problems are much bigger problems that need bigger better solutions. Sometimes you just need to focus on yourself,find solutions to your own issues and then when you are ready,you can spread and try reaching out to help others.
Thank you! To my fellow middle aged group, let's embrace ageing and Age gracefully!